Wednesday, June 17, 2009

night by avatar

There was no single photographer at our latest Punk Monk happening; instead, an unplanned and informal parlour game of pass the camera began early in the evening and continued on into the night. From this fractured diversion sprung some seriously lovely documentation.

After the obligatory photo set from Monday night's Algae Rhythm 0.03: TURN ME ON DEAD MAN was posted online yesterday, an interesting phenomenon began to mushroom in the land of the punk monks. Everyone's online avatars started appearing in the mysterious monotone of our conspiracy-themed gathering.

It's interesting to me that in one night, through the multiple visions of our friends and colleagues, almost all of us found an image of ourselves that fits the avatar criteria of representing a personally (if momentarily) idealised version of our faces.

And so, here we are. Some of the Punk Monks, and a few of our nearest and dearest, captured as we want to be seen.

NB: if you want a full account of what went down at our third Algae Rhythm, shift your browsing eyes to AWOL monk.


ms_monk said...

yes, i've been having a lot of fun monitoring this too. so glad you documented it. XX

raen said...

oh karina...

Kate Taylor said...

i particularly love the one of dermot with the sun shining out of his cheekily arched back side.

Clare D-M said...

me and alex were watching this happen too!! so cool! it happens at alot of events.. you can tell we're all friends and we all have regular glorious parties together. really like this post!